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Main Project Site = Veterinary Research Institute (VRI), Ipoh
1948 - Established in temporary premises within at Tanjung Rambutan, Perak
1953 - Moved to its present location at 59, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Ipoh, Perak
1983 - School of Veterinary Lab. Technology, GTZ, Germany
1988 - ASEAN Poultry Disease Research and Training Centre (APDRTC), JICA, Japan

-To establish and develop diagnostic capabilities for the animal industry
-To establish the Institute as a leading centre for research and diagnosis of specific diseases in the region


-To strengthen research and diagnostics capability and capacity in animal diseases and biotechnology
-To commercialize products of government funded animal industry research
-To facilitate development of research between the Department of Veterinary Services, other Institutions and the private sectors

Functions of VRI

1. Research - diseases of economic and zoonotic importance
2. Provide diagnostic Services
3. Vaccines, antisera, antigens production
4. National reference centre
5. Provide advisory services
6. Monitoring services - specific diseases
7. Training


Current Diagnostics and Research Division include:
    Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Epidemiology, Parasitology, Pathology, Virology
    Viral Vaccine, Bacterial Vaccine

Supporting facilities include:
    Laboratory animal colonies
    Experimental Animal Building
    Specific Pathogen Free Chicken flock
    Paddocks and animals sheds


Infectious Bursal Disease
Fowl Pox
Newcastle Disease

Haemorrhagic septicaemia (bovine & ovine)


Infectious bronchitis
Infectious coryza
Duck Viral Enteritis
Duck pasteurellosis

Disease Surveillance and Eradication

- Nipah Disease Surveillance in pigs and other animals
- HPAI in migratory water fowls, poultry and poultry meat products
- BSE (Bovine Spongiform encephalitis) in cattle
- Brucellosis
- Tuberculosis
- Johnes disease
- Leptospirosis/Salmonella

Biosafety Level 3 Facility

Nipah virus Diagnostic and Research
Viruses and other pathogens in wildlife (SARS)

Veterinary and Research Officers in VRI
Dr. Sharifah Syed Hassan DVM (UPM), MSc (Surrey), PhD (Oxford)

Director, G01

Viral animal disease diagnosis and research, Molecular virology, Recombinant protein (Research: PCR, recombinant proteins (Nipah virus, Bluetongue virus, fish viral diseases, ND, BSE, BVD, HPAI))

Dr. P. Chandrawathani


Veterinary officer, G03

Diagnosis and research in Parasitology (helminthology, blood parasites, Neospora, NEEM)

Dr. Mahani Abd. Hamid DVM (UPM) Veterinary officer, G03

Avian Pathologist, Immunohistochemistry (Research: Reovirus, ND, IBD)

Dr. Azizah Darus DVM (UPM) Veterinary officer, G03

Epidemiology, IT, MIMS

Dr. Shahirudin Shamsudin

DVM (Pakistan University)

Veterinary officer, G03

Mammalian/Avian pathologist, Immunohistochemistry (Research: Rabies, Nipah virus)

Dr. Chandrasekaran DVM (UPM) Veterinary officer, G03 Bacterial vaccine reserach production of HS vaccines, Fowl cholera, etc. (Pasteurella vaccines)
Dr. Sohayati DVM, MSc (UPM) Veterinary officer, G03

Wildlife trappings (especially bats and others) for research on HPAI, Nipah virus, etc.

Dr. Maria Jamli DVM (UPM) Veterinary officer, G03

Diagnostic bacteriology and research (Research : TB, VRE, antibiotic resistant microbes)

Dr. Shamshad DVM (Pakistan University) Veterinary officer, G03 Coordinator of zoonotic exotic disease unit
Pn. Zaini Md. Zain

BSc (UKM), MSc (Liverpool)

Research Officer

Salmonella, Mycoplasma, Vaccine research

En. Ramlan Mohamed BSc (UM), MSc (UPM) Research Officer, Q03

Membrane protein extraction and purification, enzymology, immunochemistry (Research: Pasteurella  sps)

Puan Maizan Mohamed BSc (UKM), Msc (UPM) Research Officer, Q03

Viral animal disease diagnosis and research Molecular Virology (Research: PCR and recombinant proteins, avian coronavirus IBV, CAV, Nipah virus, fish viral diseases, ND, HPAI)

En. Jamal Abd. Nasir bin Mohd. Hassan BSc (UKM) Research Officer, Q03

Enzyme immunoassays- ELISA (ELISA-Nipah virus, ND, BSE, hormones assay)

Cik Suriani M. Nor BSc (UKM) Research Officer, Q03

Recombinant protein (Nipah virus G gene)

Cik Nor Fasiha BSc (UKM) Research Officer, Q03 Diagnostic parasitology
Cik Dahlia Harun BSc (UKM) Research Officer, Q03 Diagnostic bacteriology