Speciman Collection
Specimen Objectives Remarks
1. Tissue
  -  Carcass
  -  Organs
  -  Lesion
  -  Aborted fetus
  -  Stillborn
-  isolation
-  toxicology
-  histopathology
-  antigen
Isolation Specimen :
-  use sterile equipment
-  collect in sterile container separately
-  label properly
-  quick shipment to the laboratory with adequate transportation
   medium and refrigeration
Histopathological Specimen :
-  prepare in smaller tissue blocks (0.5 cm thickness)
-  place in 10% buffered formalin, (10 times the volume of the
    tissue sample)
-  do not freeze
2. Blood
  -  Whole blood
  -  Blood smear
  -  Serum
  -  Plasma
-  hematology
-  culture
-  direct exam.
-  serology
Specimen :
-  collect as cleanly as possible
Whole Blood :
-  add anti-coagulants (such as heparin or EDTA) and mix well
-  keep in cool condition, do not freeze
Blood smear :
-  smear on a microscope slide, air dry and fix with absolute
Serum Specimen :
-  allow blood to clot at ambient temperature (about 1 hour)
-  place the clotted blood in refrigerator (4゚C) or cool condition
   during tansportation or overnight
-  centrifuge and removed the clotted blood, keep the serum
-  serum should be kept in frozen condition
3. Feces
-  parasitology
-  virology
-  bacteriology
Feces Specimen :
-  freshly voided
-  send with or without transportation medium
-  place in containers to reduce air and prevent hatching of
   parasite eggs
-  keep in cool condition
4. Milk
-  bacteriology
Milk Specimen :
-  use sterile equipment
-  collect after cleaning the teat and discarding the intial stream
-  collect at least 10 ml
-  keep in cool condition
-  quick shipment to the laboratory
5. Urine
-  bacteriology
-  parasitology
-  urine analysis
Specimen :
-  keep in sterile containers
-  keep in cool condition
6. Genital tract
-  bacteriology
-  parasitology
Specimen :
-  vaginal or preputial washing
-  cervical or urethral swab
-  keep in cool condition
7. Skin
-  bacteriology
-  virology
-  parasitology
Specimen :
-  scrap the lesion
-  take the vesicular fluid
-  keep in cool condition
8. Secretion &
-  bacteriology
Specimen :
-  collect by cotton swabs wetted with transport medium
-  ship to the laboratory at 4゚C
9. Parasite & vectors
-  parasitology
Internal Parasites :
-  keep in closed containers
-  fix in 10% buffered formalin
External Parasites :
-  fix in 10% buffered formalin or 70% alcohol
10. Environmental
  Specimens :
  -  Feed
  -  Water
  -  Soil
-  hygiene
-  monitoring
-  feed analysis
Dry Specimen :
-  keep in clean and dry containers with moisture protection
Fresh Specimen :
-  keep in cool condition


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@Copyright 2004