41. Transmissible gastroenteritis

Causative agent
- TGE virus, family Coronaviridae

Differential diagnosis
- Porcine epidemic diarrhea
- Aujeszky's disease
- Porcine rotavirus infection
- Colibacillosis
- Swine dysentery
- Salmonellosis
- Necrotic enteritis

1. Epidemiology
- Seasonal appearance (especially in colder month or
- Cats and dogs are possible carriers
- Mechanical carrier such as starling house flies
- Carrier pigs can shed virus for long time

2. Clinical examination
- vomitting, watery yellowish diarrhea, rapid loss of
  weight and dehydration
- High morbidity and mortality in pigs under 2 week
  of age
- Agalactia in lactating sows

3. Necropsy
- Stomach distended with curdled milk, congestion of
  stomach mucosa
- Small intestine distended with yellow and frequent
  foamy fluid and flakes of curdled undigested milk
- Thin and almost transparent intestinal wall

4. Histophathological observation
- Villous atrophy of the jejunum and ileum
- Catarrhal enteritis: vacuolation , degeneration and
  desquamation of epithelial cells and edema in
  lamina propia
- Degeneration of convulated tubule cells in the

5. Serological test
Specimens : paried sera
Method      : SN test

6. Antigen dectection
Specimens : small intestine
Method      : FA test on cryostat section

7. Virus isolation
Specimens : small intestine, feces
Method      : CPK, ST, SK-6 cell inoculation and CPE

8. Virus identification
- FA test

- Vaccination
- Sanitary management


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