Causative agent
- Haemophilus parasuis
Differential diagnosis
- Swine fever
- Aujeszky's disease
- Swine influenza
- Streptococcosis
- Pleuropneumonia
- Pasteurellosis
- Swine erysipelas
- Mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine
- Toxoplasmosis
1. History taking
- Sporadic and limited to one farm with a variable
rate of morbidity and mortality
- Stress by environment, feeding and shipping
- Usually occur in 3 to 8 weeks age piglets,
especially in SPF farm
2. Clinical examination
- Depression
- Moderate to high fever
- Vomit
- Nervous symptoms
- Arthritis
3. Necropsy
- Turbidity and increasing of fibrino-purulent
- Fibrinous pleurisy
- Pericarditis and increase of pericardial fluid
- Hydrothorax
- Ascitis and peritonitis
- Increase of fibrin on synovial membrane and
turbidity of the fluid
4. Histopathological observation
- Serofibrinous suppurative meningitis
- Serofibrinous, suppurative arthritis and fibrinous
- Serofibrihous pericarditis, pleuritis and peritonitis
5. Bacterial isolation
Specimen : visceral organs and synovial fluid
Medium : blood agar
- Culture : incubate the agar at 37°C for 24 hr, under
5% C02 condition
- Gram negative and pleomorphic rod of various length,
transparent satellite colonies grown around the
Staphylococcus inoculated line
Table: Biochemical characters of H. parasuis |
Porphyrin |
CO2 |
V-factor |
Urease |
Hemolysis |
6. Serotyping
- AGID test
- Avoid exposing to stress condition
- Prophylactic dosing of antibiotic at the time of
shipping or medication of feed or drinking water
on arrival
- Formalinized-killed bacterin administered before