50. Pnueumonic pasteurellosis

Causative agent
- Pasteurella multocida (type A and D )
- Pasteurella hemolytica

Differential diagnosis
- Hemophilus parasuis infection (Glasser's disease)
- Mycoplasmal pneumonia
- Swine pleuropneumonia
- Septicemic salmonellosis
- Toxoplasmosis
- Swine influenza

1. History taking
- Transmitted by aerosal or ingestion
- New born is more susceptible
- Occurs in fattening or breeding stocks with poor
  husbandry conditions
- Predisposied by : stress during transportation or
  sudden change of temperature or others

2. Clinical examination
- Signs vary to severity and extent of lung
- Cough, mucopurulent nasal discharge, anorexia,
  depression, dyspnea with abdominal breathing
  and prostration in acute cases
- Dry cough, mild or inapparent pneumonia for
  months in chronic cases
- May be mixed infection with other bacteria or virus

3. Necropsy
- Only anteria lobes may be involved in subclinical
- Purulent bronchopneumonia, exudative, gray or
  pink consolidation with reddish atelectic area,
  serofibrinous inflammation
- Pericarditis, pleuritis, adhesion of pleura or
  peritonium or serous surface, occasionally purulent
- septicemic and meninigitis in piglets
- Congestion of the carcass and froth in the trachea

4. Histopathological observation
- Edema, congestion and hemorrhage with
  bronchiole exudate containing bacteria,
  macrophages and neutrophils in the alveoli are
  prominent in acute cases

- In septicemic form, there are petechial and
  echymotic hemorrhages involving the serous and
  mucous membranes
- Infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages in the
  region of bronchioles and blood vessels
- Lymph nodes are swollen and hyperplasia

5. Microscopic examination
- Nasal swab or tissue smear
- Gram negative bipolar short rod or oval shape

6. Experimental animal inoculation
- Nasal or trachial swabs in transport medium,
  suspend in broth, and inject 0.2 ml of this broth
  IP into 1-2 mice, isolate toxigenic P. multocida
  from the mouse after death within 24 hr

7. Bacterial isolation
Specimen : mucous secretion, thoracic or pericardial
                  fluid, heart blood, pulmonary lesions and
                  hilar lymph node
- Culture : blood agar incubate aerobically or under 5-10% CO2 condition for 18 - 24 hr

Table: Some biochemical difference between P.multocida and P.hemolytica
Hemolysis Growth on
MacConkey agar
P.multocida - - +
P.haemolytica β + -

8. Serotyping
- Capsular typing : IHA test
- Somatic typing : AGID test

Control and Treatment
- Isolation of dams and their litters
- Parenteral treatment with ampicillin, tylosin,
  orppenicillin penicillin-streptomycin, tetracycline,
  sulfonamides, erythromycin, trimethoprim-sulfas


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