59. Strongyloidosis in pigs

Causative agents 
- Strongyloides ransomi

Differential diagnosis 
- Ascariasis
- Coccidiosis

1. History taking 
- Most susceptible in piglets
- Raised on wet ground

2. Clinical examination 
- Slight or serious diarrhea
- Cachexia
- Anorexia, listlessness, anemia

3. Fecal examination 
- Flotation technique
- Direct smear of mucosal scrapings

4. Necropsy  
- Catarrhal intestinal lesions
- Adult worms recovered by mucosal scrapings

5. Histopathological observation 
- Lung hemorrhage
- Catarrhal enteritis with worm section in the

Control and treatment 
- Raise on dry concrete floor
- Deworm piglets before weaning
- Deworm pregnant sows regularly
- Treatment with thiabendazole


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