61. Trichinosis

Causative agent 
- Trichinella spiralis

1. History taking 
- Human infections from consumption of
  infected undercooked pork especially Nhaem
  (Thai fermented pork sausage), sausage
- Animals with the history of eating rodents or
  garbage containing raw meat

2. Clinical examination 
- No signs

3. Necropsy 
- Encysted larvae in the diaphragm, tongue,
  masseter and intercostal muscles

4. Microscopic examination 
Compression method
- Compress the muscle between glass slides
  and examine for larvae under microscope or
Digestion method
- Digest the muscle with digestive enzyme
  (1% pepsin or 0.5-1 % trypsin)
- Examine the sediment for larvae under

5. Histopathological observation 
- Detection of larvae encysted in striated
- Calcification
- Inflammation of muscle

6. Serological test 

Control and treatment 
- Meat inspection for viable trichinae at the
  time of slaughter
- Rodent control and cooking of garbage
- Prevention of access to wildlife carcasses
- Cooking pork by boiling for 30 minutes or
  freezing pork at -35°C for 24 hours
- Consumer education
- Treatment by thiabendazole 0.3% in feed for
  1 week


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