65. Duck virus hepatitis

Causative agent 
- DVH can be caused by any of three different
  viruses : DVH virus type 1 (picornavirus),
                DVH virus type 2 (astrovirus),
                DVH virus type 3, (picornavirus
                antigenically unrelated to DVH virus
                type 1)

Differential diagnosis 
- Salmonellosis
- Aflatoxicosis

1. History taking 
- Occurs in ducklings under 6 weeks of age
- Very rapid onset and spread of the disease
- DVH type 1 mortality rate in young duckling less
  than 3 weeks is 50-95% in 4-5 weeks is very low
  or negligible

2. Clinical examination 
- Birds fall on their sides, kick spasmodically with
  both legs and die with head drawn back in the

3. Necropsy 
- Enlarged liver with punctate or ecchymotic
- Sometimes enlarged and mottled spleen

4. Histopathological obersvation 
- Necrosis of hepatocytes and proliferation of the
  bile duct epithelium
- Hemorrhage and variable degree of inflammatory

5. Virus isolation 
Specimen : liver, blood
Method    :
1. egg inoculation : chick embryo at 9-11 days of
    age by CAC route, duck embryo at 10-14 days of
    age by CAC or CAM route and observation of
    death with stunting, edema and subcutaneous
2. DEL. inoculation and CPE observation
    (rounding and necrosis)
3. duckling inoculation at 1-7 days of age and
    observation of death after 18 - 48 hours post
    inoculation with characteristic clinical sign and
    gross pathology

6. Virus identification 
- SN test

- Vaccination with attenuated vaccine

- DVH type 1 worldwide distribution
- DVH type 2 only in England
- DVH type 3 only in the United States, DVH type
  3 less virulent than DHV type 1


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