68. Goose parvovirus infection

Causative agent 
- Goose parvovirus, family Parvoviridae

Differential diagnosis 
- Duck virus enteritis (Duck plague)

1. Histological observation 
- Only geese and muscovy ducks are susceptible
- Highly fatal disease in goslings and muscovy
  ducklings under 1 month of age
- Horizontal and vertical transmission

2. Clinical examination 
- Birds under 1 wk of age, anorexia, prostation
  within 2-5 days
- In older birds or those with variable level of
  maternally derived antibody, anorexia, polydipsia,
  leg weakness, reluctance to move and profuse
  white diarrhea
- Survived birds, growth retardation and poor

3. Necropsy 
- Catarrhal enteritis
- Liver, spleen, pancreas may be swollen and
- In more prolonged clinical course, sero-fibrinous
  perihepatitis and pericarditis may also be present

4. Histopathological observation 
- Pseudomembranous enteritis
- Fatty change and multifocal white necrosis in liver

5. Virus isolation 
Specimen : liver, spleen, kidney, intestine
Method    :
1. goose or muscovy duck embryo inoculation at 10-
    12 days of age by CAC route and observation of
    hemorrhagic and edematous embryos which die
    5-10 days post inoculation
2. GEF or MDEF inoculation and detection by FA test
    or CPE observation after 3-4 passages

6. Virus identification 
- FA test (infected CAM, GEF, MDEF)
- SN test

- Vaccination with attenuated vaccine


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