75. Colibacillosis in chicken

Causative agent 
- Escherichia coli (O1, O2, O78, and others)

Differential diagnosis 
- Salmonella infection
- Mycoplasma infection
- Pasturella infection
- Staphylococcus infection
- IC

1. History taking 
- Usually secondary infection with IBV, MG
- Stress acts as the predisposing factor
- One of the most serious threats to broiler
  chicken flock between 4 and 5 weeks of age
  with respiratory signs
- Omphalitis and septicemia in baby chicks
  causing high mortality

2. Clinical examination 
- High mortality of embryo and young chicks
  through contamination of egg shell with
  pathogenic E. coli from poultry house or
  hatcher environment
- Poor flesh and weight loss
- Acute septicemia
- Sudden death
- Joint (synovitis) and bone (osteonyelitis)
  infections with E. coli occur in young birds

3. Necropsy 
- Variegated lesions depend on the type of
  the diseases, affected organ and
  the course of sickness
- Airsacculitis, pericarditis, perihepatitis
- Enteritis
- Synovitis and panophtalmitis
- Salpingitis in layer chickens and broiler
- Coligranuloma
- Omphalitis in chicks

4. Histopathological observation 
- Fibrinous purulent serositis in pericardium, epicardium
  hepatic caspule and gastrointestinal serosa
- Hemorrhagic enteritis
- Bacterial mass and necrotic foci in visceral organs
- Infiltration of granulocytes and monocytes and
  hyperplasia of fibrocytes in liver and heart
- Purulent synovitis
- Purulent panophthalmitis

5. Bacterial isolation 
Specimen : liver, lung, heart, air sac's swab
                  (Use only fresh carcasses)
Medium    : blood agar (TSA) and MacConkey agar

Table : Biochemical identification of Enterobacteriaceae
                                          Indole       MR         VP     Citrate       H2S     Lactose
Salmonella - + - + + -
E. coli + + - - - +
Klebsiella spp. - + d + - +

6. Serotyping 
- Test at least 5 colonies from one specimen
- Slide agglutination test with pathogenic E. coli
  O- antisera (O1, O2, O78 etc)

- Administration of broad spectrum antibiotics and
  nitrofuran for 4-5 days
- Purchase of day-old chicks from breeding flocks
  free from Mycoplasma gallisepticum and other
  predisposing factors
- Efficient cleaning, disinfection and fumigation in
  hatcher and breeder
- Minimize stress factors such as ammonia fumes,
  overcrowding and inadequate ventilation
- Minimize stress induced by vaccination
- Monitor drug sensitivity of E. coli from the disease


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