76. Avian mycoplasmosis

Causative agent 
- Mycoplasma gallisepticum
- Mycoplasma synoviae

Differential diagnosis 
- Infectious corya
- Infectious bronchitis
- Infectious laryrigotracheitis
- Avian colibacillosis

1. History taking 
- Adverse environment (overcrowding, poor
  ventilation) increases incidence
- Mixed infections are common in the field
- Vaccination with live virus vaccine may induce
  the disease
- Chronic respiratory symptoms with low mortality
- Synovitis is rarely found
- Transmission rate is relative slow

2. Clinical examination 
- Sinusitis, catarrhal exudate in respiratory tract
- Labored breathing with open mouth, tracheal rales
- Swelling and induration of head and eyelids
- Joint swelling with fluctuation, lameness

3. Necropsy 
- Catarrhal exudate in respiratory tracts
- Sinusitis, bronchitis, airsacculitis, pericarditis,
  perihepatitis, pnuemonia
- Lymphofollicular appearance in air sacs (beading
- Accumulation of cheesy material in air sacs of dead
  embryo in shell
- Synovitis with creamy to gray exudate in synovial
  membranes of joint

4. Histopathological observation 
- Thickening of mucous membrane of affected tissue
  due to infiltration of mononuclear cells and
  hyperplasia of mucous glands
- Focal areas of lymphoid hyperplasia in submucosa
- Pneumonic areas in lung with lymphofollicular
- Hyperplasia of synovial membrane of joint with
  villous formation and diffuse or nodular infiltration
  of lymphocytes and macrophages in subsynovia

5. Bacterial isolation 
Specimen : exudate of nasal cavity, trachea, air sac,
                  joint cavity and lung tissue emulsion
Medium    : Modified Chanock's and Frey's medium
                  for MG and MS, respectively
- Culture  : 0.2 ml. of emulsion is inoculated into
  liquid medium and incubated at 37°C for 1 week.
  After color changes, 1 drop of cultured broth is
  spread onto the above agar medium and incubated
  at 37°C for 3-5 days under 5% CO2 condition
- Colony morphology : typical nipple shaped colonies
  (a tiny circular mass with a dense raised central

6. Serological test 
- Plate or tube agglutination test, HI test

- Vaccination in parent stock are available
- Improvement of rearing environment

Table : Some characteristics of avian Mycoplasmas
Organism glucose
film and spot
avian RBC
M.gallisepticum + - - + -
M.gallinarum - + + - -
M.synoviae + - + - +


-1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7-
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