Causative agent
- Hemophilus paragallinarum
Differential diagnosis
- Chronic fowl cholera
- Fowl pox
- A-avitaminosis
- Avian mycoplasmosis
- Infectious bronchitis
- Infectious laryngotracheitis
1. History taking
- Airborne and contact infection
- Cause transient clinical signs sometime lasting
for only 1-2 weeks
- High morbidity but low mortality
- More severe and chronic when complicated with
other agents such as M. gallisepticum, Fowl pox,
lB, Pasteurella spp.
2. Clinical examination
- Serous to mucous nasal dischage, face edema,
conjunctivitis, swollen wattles
3. Necropsy
- Acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous
membrane of nasal passages and sinuses,
- Catarrhal conjuntivitis
- Subcutaneous edema of face and wattles
4. Histopathological observation
- Hyperplasia of mucosal and glandular epithelial
of trachea
- Hyperemia and edema of tunica propria of trachea
with heterophils infiltration
- Acute catarrhal bronchopneumonia with heterophil
and cell debris filling the lumen of bronchi
5. Bacterial isolation
Specimen : nasal discharge or mucous from
infraorbital sinus
Medium : blood agar
- Culture : incubate the agar at 37°C for 24 hr under
5% CO2 condition
- Gram negative, coccobacilli, small transparent
satellite colonies grow arround the Staphylococcus
inoculated line
Table : Biochemical characters of H. paragallinarum
catalase |
nitrate |
indole |
porphyrin |
CO2 |
serum |
V-factor |
- |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
6. Serotyping
- HA, HI test
Control and treatment
- Vaccination with inactivated vaccine
- Isolation of infected chicken
- Antibiotic treatment
(sulfathiazole and spectinomycin)