80. Pulmonary aspergillosis

Differential diagnosis
- Avian Encephalomyelitis      - Newcastle disease
- Chronic coccidiosis              - Infectious bronchitis
- Infectious laryngotracheitis - Avian salmonellosis

Causative agent
- Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger

1. History taking
- Take moldy feed and/or raising moldy environment
- A mass outbreak of the disease in a flock
- High morbidity and mortality in baby chicks, but
  low morbidity and mortality in young and adult
- Die within 1-2 days in acute, usually be chronic

2. Clinical examination
- Dyspnea, gasping, accelerated breathing and loss
  of appetite
- Stunting of growth, lethargy, cyanosis, nervous
  symptoms, ophthalmitis, swelling of eye ball and
  lacrymation in rare cases

3. Necropsy
- Yellowish white caseous nodules (plaques) or
  green nodules in the lungs or air sacs, occasionally
  in the brain tissue or bursa of Fabricius
- Thickening and cloudy of air sacs
- Hyphae and spores are visible in the air passage
  of the lung or air sac or the abdominal cavity

4. Histopathological observation
- Periodic acid schiff (PAS) stain reveals granulomas
  with a central area of necrosis containing
  heterophils and mycelia, surrounded by
  macrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes and some
  fibrous tissue
- Purulent meningo-encephalitis may be observed

5. Direct microscopic examination
- Preparation of wet mounts in 10 - 20 % KOH,
  examine for presence of hyphae, typical fruiting
  heads and conidia within the infected tissues

6. Fungi isolation
Specimens : affected tissues
- Culture on sabouraud dextrose agar incubated at
  25°C and 37°C for 2-3 days, examine for colonies
  and identify microscopic morphology

- Good hygiene and sanitation
- Avoidance of oldy litter or fee
- Frequent cleaning of feed troughs and watering
- Distruction of affected birds and rigorous cleaning
  and disinfection of environment after outbreak
  (spray the building, the air and the litter with
  enilconazole solution, 1% copper sulfate or 0.05%
  aqueous iodine solution, ruse 1:2000 copper sulfate
  or 0.05% aqueous iodine solution in drinking

Table : Some characteristics of Aspergillus sp.
Species Colony Conidial
Vesicle No. of row of
A.fumigatus blue green to gray green flat, velvety to sligtly floccose or folded

short, smooth colorless to light green flask-shaped 20-30 μm in diameter single series, cover the upper one half of the vesicle green globose and echinulate 2.5-3.5 μm in diameter
A.flavus yellow green to dark green to dark green flat, sometime furrowed, wrinkled radiate long,thick
walled coarsely roughened colorless
globose to subglobose 25-65 μm in diameter 1-2 seies, on the entire surface of vesicle yellow brown or yellow orange globose to subglobose and echinulate 3.5-4.5 μm in diameter

A.niger Yellow to black granular surface brown to black and radiate long, thick, smooth hyaline or light brown globose 45-100 μm indiamter 2 series, on the entire of vesicle black globose and echinulate 5.5-8.0 μm in diameter


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