86. Ehrlichiosis in horses

Causative agent
- Ehrlichia equi

Differential diagnosis
- Equine infectious anemia
- Equine viral arteritis
- Equine piroplasmosis
- Trypanosomosis

1. History taking
- Severe disease of adult horses (>3 years old)
- Transmission is unknown (ticks are suspected)

2. Clinical examination
- High fever (40-42°C)
- Depression anorexia, ataxia
- Limb edema
- Lameness
- Anemia icterus
- Petechiation
- Reluctant to move

3. Microscopic examination
- Detection of inclusion bodies in the
  cytoplasm of neutrophil and eosinophil on
  blood smear or buffy coat smear (stained with
  Giemsa or May Grunwald Giemsa)
- Febrile period ; plasma icterus index
- PCV, leukocytes and platelets decline

4. Experimental animal inoculation
- Donkey
- Dog
- Sheep and goat

5. Necropsy
- Petechial and echymotic hemorrhage and
  edema in the subcutaneous tissue fascia
- Jaundice
- Increased amounts of ascites and pericardial fluid

6. Histopathological observation
- Inflammation of small arteries and veins

Control and treatment
- Isolate and treat infected animals with
  tetracycline or oxytetracycline
- Prevent ticks and blood sucking flies from the
  pasture with screen


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