87. Equine infectious anemia

Causative agent
- EIA virus, family Retroviridae

Differential diagnosis
- Babesiosis
- Ehrlichiosis
- Leptospirosis
- Severe strongylosis
- Fascioliasis

1. History taking
- Horses of all ages are susceptible

2. Clinical examination
- Intermittent fever
- Depression
- Progressive weakness
- Weight loss
- Edema
- Progressive or transitory anemia
- Jaundice

3. Hematology
- Hematocrit (↓) RBC (↓)

4. Necropsy
- Subcutaneous edema
- Jaundice
- Petechial or ecchymotic subserous hemorrhage
- Enlargement with swelling of the edge of the liver,
  spleen and their local lymph nodes
- Emaciation and pale of tissues

5. Histopathological observation
- Extensive proliferation of the reticulo endothelial
  system and vascular intima
- Perivascular round cell infiltration especially in the
  liver, hemosiderin and glomerulitis

6. Serological test
Specimen : serum
Method : AGID test

7. Virus isolation
Specimen : blood, spleen, liver ,lymph node
Method : leucocyte culture inoculation

8. Virus identification
Method : FA test, ELISA

- Animal testing (once a year)
- Flies and mosquitoes control


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