Differential diagnosis
- Nitrate poisoning
- Pulmonary adenomatosis
- Emphysema
- Urea poisoning
- Inhibition of oxidative enzyme system due to
ingestion of plants containing cyanogenic
glycosides or of compounds used in fumigants soil
sterilizer or rodenticides
1. History taking
- Ingestion of plants that contain cyanogenic
glycosides or cyanide salts
2. Clinical examination
- Excitement
- Generalized muscle tremor
- Polypnea
- Dyspnea
- Salivation
- Lacrimation
- Voiding of feces and urine
- Clonic convulsion due to anoxia
3. Necropsy
- Peracute to acute: neither gross nor microscopic
- Blood becomes bright red when it is exposed to
- "Bitter almond" odor in fresh rumen contents
- Cyanosis
- Hemorrhage in trachea, lung, abomasum, small
intestine, subepicardium, and subendocardium
4. Histopathological observation
- Patchy necrosis and laminar loss of cells in the
cerebral cortex and necrosis in the head of
caudate nucleus, paleo-cortex, substantia nigra
and thalamus
5. Rumen content analysis
Specimen : rumen content
- Normal level = < 10 μg/g
6. Tissue analysis
Specimen : liver
- Normal level of hydrocyanic acid in liver < 1.4 μg/g
7. Feed analysis
Specimen : feed
Method : Picrate paper
- Normal level in plant < 200 ppm
Control and treatment
- Avoid grazing cyanogenic plants
- Treat with nitrite and thiosulfate IV