Differential diagnosis
- Septic metritis
- Acute mastitis
- Grass tetany
- Acute digestion
- Traumatic gastritis
- Acute hypocalcemia at or soon after parturition
- Failure to mobilize calcium reserve and by a
depletion of these reserves
- Dysfunction of parathyroid glands
- Too little calcium was fed on the calving day
1. History taking
- Occurs in mature cows usually 5-9 years old,
within 72 hours after parturition
- Occurs in highest milk producing period
- Higher incidence in the Jersey breed
2. Clinical examination
- Early excitement and tetany
- Hypothermia
- Flaccidity pupil dilation
- Impalpable pulse
- No rumen movement
- Soft heart sounds
- Fast heartbeats are fast (80-100 per minutes)
- Decreased reflex
- Depression coma
- Bloated
- Death
3. Blood analysis
Specimen : serum
Method : atomic absorption spectrophotometry
- Level : - hypocalcemia < 5mg/ml
- high serum magnesium > 3 mg/dl
- low inorganic phosphate < 3 mg/dl
4. Feed analysis
Specimen : feed
Method : atomic absorption spectrophotometry
- Level : low level of calcium in feed
5. Diagnosis treatment
- IV 10 % solution calcium borogluconate slowly
and cautiously
Control and treatment
- IV 10 % solution calcium borogluconate slowly
and cautiously
- Avoid excessive calcium intake during dry period
- Feeding of normal to high phosphorus, low calcium
diet during late pregnancy
- Provision by mouth of supplementary calcium in
the form of a calcium gel 150g of calcium on 1
day before and 1 day after calving
- Massive dose of vitamin D (20-30 million unit daily)
in feed in 5-7 days before parturition