Differential diagnosis
Cattle :
- Polioencephalomalacia
- Lead poisoning
- Rabies
- Ketosis
Swine :
- Water deprivation
- Sodium ion toxicosis
- Pseudorabies
- Chronic poisoning caused by eating soil or feed
contaminated with these chemicals
- Oral administration or inhalation of neurotoxin,
convulsant toxin
1. History taking
- Contact with these chemicals
2. Clinical examination
- Apprehensive
- Hypersensitive to environmental stimuli
- Belligerent
- Fasciculation of facial and cervical muscles
- Whole body clonic-tonic seizures
- Intermittent seizure
- Abnormal posturing
- Continuous chewing
- Excessive salivation
- Coma
3. Necropsy
- Cyanosis
- Congestion of various organs
- Hemorrhages of various sizes on epicardium
4. Feed analysis
Specimen : feed
Method : gas chromatography
- Excessive level of insecticide
5. Tissue analysis
Specimen : feed
Method : gas chromatography
- Organochorine level of 4-5 ppm or greater
Control and treatment
- No antidote
- Remove the insecticides by washing with
- Give saline cathartic with sedation and
symptomatic treatment
- Eliminate sources of contamination