--Appendix 3b--

Some major diseases listed in the Health Requirements

1. Rinderpest
Differential diagnosis History taking Clinical examination Specimen for diagnosis Diagnostic methods

1. FMD

2. Coccidiosis

4. MCF
5. HS

1. Sudden death

2. Horizontal infection
3. High mortality

4. High morbidity
1. Pyrexia

2. Ocular discharge
3. Nasal discharge

4. Stomatitis
5. Diarrhea
1. Uncoagulated blood at
    febrile phase
2. Lymph nodes, Spleen
3. Paired serum

4. Ocular discharge

1. Antigen detection
2. Virus isolation
3. Antibody detection
    (ELISA, SN test)

2. Contaglous bovine pleuropneumonla
Differential diagnosis History taking Clinical examination Specimen for diagnosis Diagnostic methods

1. Pneumonic-

2. Fog fever

3. Parasiticpneumonia
    of calves

1. Transmit by
    inhalation of
    infective droplets
    or urine from
    infected animals
2. Predisposing by

3. Incubation period
    3-6 wks but may
    be 6 months long
1. High fever (40°C)

2. Fall in milk yield

3. Morexia

4. Cessation of
5. Severe depression
6. Coughing, nasal
7. Shallow, repid and
    accompanied by
    expiratory gruntion
1. Nasal swabs

2. Broncho-alveolar
    washing or pleural fluid

3. Lung lesion

4. Lymph nodes

5. Pleural fluid and
    synovial fluid from
    arthritis animals
1. Bacterial isolation

2. Serological test (CF
    test, ELISA AGID
    for herd diagnosis)
3. Immunological test
    (IFA, FA, AGID,
    GIT, MF dot test
4. PCR

3. Rift Valley fever
Differential diagnosis History taking Clinical examination Specimen for diagnosis Diagnostic methods


1. Abortion

2. High mortality
3. Rate in newborn
1. Enlarged superfical
    lymph nodes
2. Abdominal pain
1. Liver

2. Spleen
3. Brain
4. Whole blood
1. VN test

2. FA test
4. HI


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