--Appendix 3b--
12. Vesicular exanthema
Differential diagnosis History taking Clinical examination Specimen for diagnosis Diagnostic methods
1. FMD

2. Swine vesicular

3. Vesicular Exanthema
1. All ages are
2. Low mortality

3. Moderate
1. Pyrexia

2. Vesicles or snout lips,
    tongue and mucosa of
    oralcavity, coronary
    band, heels of the feet
3. Lameness

4. Anorexia
1. Vesicular fluid

2. Epithelial samples
1. Antigen detection
    (ELISA, CF test)
2. Virus isolation

3. Antibody detection
    (SN test)

13. Swine Influenza
Differential diagnosis History taking Clinical examination Specimen for diagnosis Diagnostic methods
1. Enzootic pneumonia

2. Other acute or
    chronic respiratory
1. Sudden onset

2. High morbidity

3. Low mortality
1. Pyrexia

2. Sneezing

3. Coughing
4. Dyspnea
5. Prostation
6. Rapid recovery
1. Nasal or pharyngeal
2. Lung
1. Virus isolation

2. Antibody detection
    (HI test)

14. Fowl Plague (Highly pathogenic avian Influenza)
Differential diagnosis History taking Clinical examination Specimen for diagnosis Diagnostic methods
1. Newcastle disease

2. Infectious coryza

3. Chlamydiosis
1. Sudden death
    without clinical
2. Variable in
    morbidity and
3. Decline in feed,
    water consumption
    and egg
1. Variable depend on
    many factors

2. Mild to severe
    respiratory signs
3. Edema of head and

4. Diarrhoea
5. Nervous disorder
6. Depress
1. Tracheal swab

2. Cloacal swab, feces

3. Lung, Intestine, Spleen,
    Brain, Liver, Heart

4. Serum
1. Virus isolation and
    demonstration of its
2. Serological test
    (AGID, HI test)


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