3. Contagious pustular dermatitis

Causative agent 
- Orf virus, family Poxviridae

- Orf, contagious ecthyma of sheep, scabby
  mouth sore mouth

Differential diagnosis 
- Sheep pox or goat pox
- Ulcerative dermatosis
- Foot and mouth disease
- Bluetongue

1. History taking
- Mainly young lambs and kids
- High morbidity (up to 100%) but low mortality       rate
- Death due to complication of the invasion of
  screw-worm fly or bacterial infection
- The virus persists in the environment in dust,       wool and soil of affected pasture for long period   (more than 12 yr) and acts as the source of the     new infection
- Sheep recovered from a natural infection are
  highly resistant to reinfections

2. Clinical examination 
- Primary lesion on the skin of the lips and the
- On the feet (around the coronet), thigh, axilla,
  vulva, or udder of ewes, and other part covered
  by short hairs

- The more severely affected lambs fail to eat and
  loss of condition
- The lesions papules, vesicles, pastulars and ulcer
  formation in 3-4 days, by large scabs within one
  week and peel of the skin within 3-4 weeks

3. Histopathological observation 
    (material by biopsy) 
- Hydropic (ballooning) degeneration of the cells
  of the upper layers of the epidermis with
  polymorphonuclear cells infiltration
- Inclusion bodies (4-8 microns in diameter) in the
  cytoplasm of epidermal cells

4. Antigen detection 
Specimen  : proliferative lesions infected scab
                   material or epithelial cell scrapings
Method     : electron microscopic examination in
                   the early stage of the disease

Control and treatment 
- Antibiotic treatment
- 5% copper sulphate solution, 7% iodine solution
  or creosole dip to combat secondary infection
- Brush small amount of live virus vaccine (prepared
  from 1% scab material in glycerine buffer) over
  the sacrified skin on the inside of the thigh




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