4. Enzootic bovine leukosis

Causative aent 
- BL virus, family Retroviridae

Differential diagnosis 
- Tuberculosis
- Actinobacillosis

1. History taking 
- Most common in cattle, usually 4-8 years of age
- Transmitted by contaminated equipment, insect
  vectors play an important role

2. Clinical examination 
- Weight loss
- Decreased milk
- Decreased appetite
- Anemia
- Muscular weakness
- Tumor development
- Enlargement of visceral lymph nodes

3. Hematology 
- Elevated blood lymphocytes and/or presence of
  abnormal lymphocytes in blood

4. Serological test 

Specimen         : serum
Method            : AGID test

5. Necropsy 
- Firm white tumor masses in any organs
- Affected lymph nodes may be enormously
  enlarged and composed of both normal and
  neoplastic tissues. The latter is firmer and whiter
  than normal lymphoid tissues and often surrounds
  foci of bright yellow necrosis

6. Histopathological observation 

- Complete loss of lymph node architecture which
  is replaced by uniform sheets of cells (mostly
- Infiltration of excess lymphocytes and
  lymphoblasts into non-lymphatic tissues

- Animal testing (quarterly)
- Control of insect vectors


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