5. Foot and mouth disease

Causative agent 
- FMD virus, family Picornaviridae, seven
  serotypes (type O, A, Asia I in Thailand)

Differential diagnosis
- Vesicular stomatitis
- Bovine papular stomatitis
- Vesicular exanthema
- Mucosal disease
- Pox-Herpes-complex
- Swine vesicular disease

1. Epidemiology 
- Incubation period 2-8 days
- Highly contagious
- Affect cloven hoofed animals (cattle, buffalo,
  sheep, goat, pig)
- High morbidity up to 100%
- Low mortality in adult animals, but often high
  in young due to myocarditis

2. Clinical examination 
- Fever, depression, anorexia
- Vesicles on mouth, tongue, muzzle, coronary
  bands, interdigital space, udder, leading to
  salivation and lameness
- Drop in milk production

3. Antigen detection (typing) 
Specimen         : vesicular fluid, epithelial tissue from
                          tongue and feet
Method            : ELISA

4. Virus isolation 
Specimen         : same as antigen detection
Method            : tissue culture (Primary cell culture
                          more sensitive than cell line)

5. Antibody detection 
- LP-ELISA test
- NS-ELISA test
- VN test

- Vaccination
- Control of movement of livestock
- Stamping out
- Zoo sanitation



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