13. Bovine paratuberculosis

Causative agent 
- Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis

Differential diagnosis 
- Amyloidosis
- MD
- Fascioliasis

1. History Taking 
- Introduction of cattle from the endemic area
- Introdution of imported cattle

2. Clinical examination 
- Chronic intermittent diarrhea
- Decreased lactation
- Edema in the submandibular region
- Unthriftiness

3. Serological test 
- Complement fixation test

4. Necropsy 
- Pathognomonic corrugation of mucous
  membrane of the small and large intestine,
  especially ileum
- Swollen mesenteric lymph nodes

5. Histopathological observation 
- Proliferation of epithelioid cell and
  appearance of Langerhan's giant cells in
  the lamina propria of intestinal wall and
  mesenteric lymph nodes
- Demonstration of acid-fast bacteria within
  the epithelioid cells and giant cells

6. Bacteriology 
6.1 Microscopic examination : detection of a
      clump of acid fast bacteria in fecal smear

6.2 Bacterial isolation
- Specimen   : feces, intestinal lesion, ileo-caecal
                       valve, mesenteric lymph nodes,
                       decontamination by
                       Hexadecylpyridinium chloride (HPC)
- Medium      : Herrold egg yolk medium with
                       and without mycobactin
                       middlebrook 7H9, 7H10 and
                       7H11 enhanced with mycobactin
- Culture       : for 8 to 13 weeks at 37°C,
                       smooth, grayish-white colonies,
                       complete dependency on

Control and Prevention 
- Screening by serological tests
- Separate any unthrify animal from the herd
  until condition is diagnosed
- Separate calf within 12 hours from infected
- Serological diagnosis: 6 months intervals in
  infected herd
- Fecal culture at 6 months intervals for all
  animal over 20 months of age in infected
- Remove & slaughter all positive culture
  animals and their offspring
- Cleaning and disinfection of contaminated
  animal house, equipments and barn with
  orthophenyl phenol or 2-3% cresol solution
- Provide a clean environment for calving


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