18. Infectious keratoconjunctivitis

Causative agent
- Moraxella bovis

Differential diagnosis
- IBR virus infection
- Eye worm (Thelazia gulosa, T. skrjabini)
- Adenovirus and infected wound

1. History taking
- Infection enhance factor: solar radiation
  and dust intensity
- Transmitted by direct or indirect contact,
  flying insects or air borne
- Incubation period may be 2 days to 3 weeks
- More common in younger cattle

2. Clinical examination
- Copious discharge of tears
- Rapid development of inflammation of
  conjunctiva, and swelling of both eyelids and
  the third eyelid
- Opaque, cornea ulcer and shallow erosion
  may be visible
- Blood vessels develop across the clear
  cornea from the side of the eye leading to
  the so-called "pink eye"

3. Bacterial isolation
Specimen : swab of conjunctival sac, immediate
                  cultivation or preserve in transport
Medium    : blood agar
- Cultivation : incubate at 37°C for 1-2 days
- Colony   : flat, hemolytic friable, (1.0 mm in
- Identifying characteristic : positive to oxidase,
  hemolysis, proteolysis, and failure to ferment

Treatment and control
- Keep affected animals in a dark stall, free from dust
  and flies
- Topical corticosteroids to relieve the inflammation
- Antibiotic topically and systemically
- Long acting tetracycline is the drug of choice


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