25. Cryptosporidiosis

Causative agents 
- Cryptosporidium parvum

Differential diagnosis 
- Coccidiosis
- Salmonellosis
- Enteroxigenic E. coli
- Rotavirus infection
- Coronavirus infection

1. History taking 
- Common in neonatal calves, primarily from 5
  to 15 days of age

2. Clinical examination 
- Watery diarrhea
- Occasional anorexia
- Weight loss
- Apathy
- Tenesmus
- Dehydration, weakness

3. Fecal examination 
- Fecal smear : acid fast staining
- Fecal flotation

4. Necropsy 
- Generalized infection of the gastrointestinal
- Enteritis
- Moderate to severe mucosal changes

5. Histopathological observation 
- Blunting and loss of intestinal tract villi
- Crypt hyperplasia, replacement of mature
  coating epithelial cells with immature cells
- Extensive infiltration of the lamina propria
  with inflammatory cells
- Presence of large number of Cryptosporidia in
  sections of freshly fixed lower small intestine

Control and treatment 
- Supportive therapy for dehydration
- Killing the occysts in the environment with
  5% ammonia solution


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