
Causative agents 
- Fasciola gigantica

Differential diagnosis 
- Ketosis
- Paramphistomiasis
- Amyloidosis
- Paratuberculosis

1. History taking 
- Known endemic area
- No treatment for liver fluke
- Presence of snail colony
- Relation between pasture, paddock, sewerage
  and snail colony
- Source of grass feed

2. Clinical examination 
- Emaciation, dullness, weakness
- Anemia
- Edema
- Diarrhea
- Milk reduction

3. Fecal examination 
- Sedimentation methods :
      - Simple sedimentation
      - Formalin-ether sedimentation technique
      - Beads technique


4. Serological test 

5. Necropsy 
- Acute fasciolosis : hemorrhage and immature
  worms in liver parenchyma
- Chronic fasciolosis : thickness of bile ducts,
  fibrosis, calcification, adult worms in gall
  bladder and bile duct

6. Histopathological observation 
- Servere fibrosis in the perilobular connective
  tissue of liver
- Neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes
- Hyperplasia of gall bladder epithelial mucosa

Control and treatment 
- Snail control
      - good drainage
      - biological control
      - molluscicide
- Environmental control
      - good drainage
      - pasture burning
      - pipe-drinking water
- Chemotherapy
      - effective anthelmintics
      - strategic control program


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@Copyright 2004