27. Gastro-intestinal nematode infection

Causative agents 
- Mecistocirrus digitatus
- Bunostomum spp.
- Oesophagostomum spp.
- Trichostrongylus spp.
- Cooperia spp.
- Haemonchus spp.

Differential diagnosis 
- Bacterial chronic enteritis

1. History taking 
- Serious parasitosis in summer or early rainy season
- High morbidity but low mortality
- Previous grazing history and management
- Parasitic gastroenteritis in young stocks

2. Clinical examination 
- Severe anemia / chronic wasting disease
- Edema of lower jaw (bottle jaw)
- Weakness
- Retardation of growth

3. Fecal examination 
- Flotation technique
- Formalin-ether sedimentation
- Fecal culture for L3 identification

4. Necropsy 
- Detection of L3 (Infective stage) or adult worm

5. Histopathological observation 
- Lung hemorrhage and cell infiltration with lobular
- Hyperplasia of the hematopoietic elements of
  bone marrow, myeloid metaplasia in the spleen
- Inflammation and fibrosis of the lamina propria of

Control and treatment 
- Grazing management ie. pasture rotation
- Keep young stock indoor
- Appropriate stock density
- Control movement of stock over pasture
- Regular treatment with effective anthelmintics


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