Causative agents
- Chrysomya bezziana
Differential diagnosis
- C. saffranea
- C. megacephala
1. History :taking
- Low number of adult flies
- Optimum temperature range for the adult fly 20-
- Humid conditions preferred
2. Clinical examination
- Irritation sign shown in early infection
- Pyrexia by day 3
- Reddish brown fluid draining below the wound
- Wound, vulva and the navel of new born calves
often infested
- Common in infraorbital fossa and vulva of sheep
3. Detection of larvae
- The presence of maggots in the wound
- The mature, third instar larvae armed with broad,
encircling bands with spines, posterior spiracles
with three straight slits surrounded by an
incomplete peritreme with an indistinct button
Control and treatment
- Delay surgery to the cooler season of the year
- Protection of wounds with NegasuntR
- Inspection of livestock twice a week