30. Strongyloidosis in cattle

Causative agents 
- Strongyloides papillosus

Differential diagnosis 
- Ascariasis
- Coccidiosis

1. History taking 
- Most susceptible in young calves under 5 weeks
- Infection by suckling of infective stage larvae in
  colostrum or penetration of infective stage larvae
  through skin in a humid or wet environment

2. Clinical examination 
- Intermittent diarrhea
- Loss of appetite and weight
- Coughing
- Emaciation
- Occasional sudden death in calves

3. Fecal examination 
- Flotation technique
- Fecal culture for L3

4. Necropsy 
- Cachexia
- Catarrhal or hemorrhagic enteritis
- Urticaria
- Foot rot
- Lung hemorrhage
- Very small adult worms in intestinal mucosa

5. Histopathological observation 
- Erosion of duodenal and jejunal mucosa
- Leucocytic infiltration in lamina propria of small
- Catarrhal Intestinal content
- Lung congestion

Control and treatment 
- Keep young stock in clean, dry or concrete floor
- Change bedding regularly
- Chemotherapeutic treatment to young calves in
  endemic area with thiabendazole


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