32. Toxocara infection

Causative agent 
- Toxocara vitolurum

Differential diagnosis 
- Strongyloides infection
- Salmonellosis
- Coccidlosis

1. History taking 
- Severe in buffalo calves
- Infective in calves younger than 6 months, or
  weaning calves

2. Clinical examination 
- Diarrhea with grayish feces
- Anemia
- Loss of appetite
- Unthriftiness
- Rough hair
- Emaciation

3. Fecal examination 
- Flotation method

4. Necropsy 
- Pale mucous membrane
- Edema and hemorrhage of the intestinal surface
- Mucoszal ulcer may be found
- Detection of large round worms in small intestine

5. Histopathological observation 
- Blood congestion in the intestinal mucosa
- Catarrhal enteritis

Control and treatment 
- Anthelmintic preventive treatment in pregnant cow
  or buffaloes
- Effective anthelmintic drug such as piperazine
  given to calves first at 3 weeks of age and repeat
  six weeks after


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