14. Bovine tuberculosis

Causative agent 
- Mycobacterium bovis

Differential diagnosis 
- Actinobacillosis
- Actinomyces pyogenes

1. History taking 
- History of cattle introduced from TB endemic
  area or infected herds

2. Clinical examination 
- No clinical signs in early stage of infections
- Gradual emaciation, enlargement of lymph
  nodes and cough in advanced cases
- Clinical evidence of tuberculosis is rare

- No diagnostic value in early infection because of
  lower antibody level to M. bovis and sensitization
  by environmental mycobacteria
- Useful to detect advanced infection or anergic
- Helpful as a complementary test

4. Gamma-interferon assay (IFN-γ) 
- Whole blood is cultured with avian, bovine PPD or
  PBS (nil antigen) and incubated for 16 hr at 37°C
- Lymphocytes of infected cattle should be stimulated
  and secrete IFN-γ
- Plasma sample collection
- Using commercial EIA kit (CSL, Australia)
- Detection of reactors by a comparative method

5. Tuberculin test 
- Primary test for diagnosis of TB in the live animal
- Single intradermal test
- Tuberculin PPD (1 mg/ml) 0.1 ml is injected into a
  site of the caudal fold or the mid-neck
- The site is first clipped and examined to be free from
  evident lesions
- The skin fold is measured with callipers twice (before
  and 72 hr after injection)
- A positive result is judged by an increase in the skin
  fold thickness of at least 5 mm
- In suspecious cases, the test should be repeated
  one more time after 60 days

6. Necropsy 
- In early stages of TB, the disease can seldom be
  diagnosed at necropsy
- TB lesion : caseous or calcified granuloma on serosal
  surface of all visceral organs, most frequently in the
  lungs and thoracic lymph nodes
- Also occur in abdominal organs in generalized TB
- All necropsy should be supported by histopathology
  and bacteriology

7. Histopathological observation 
- Affected lymph nodes and other tissues
- Stain with HE, ZN or ABC
- Nodules comprised of epithelioid cells and giant
- Demonstration of acid fast bacteria or M. bovis

8. Histopathological observation 
- All procedures should be performed in safety cabinet
- Acid fast bacilli are demonstrated on smear stamps

Isolation and identification 
- Lesions or suspicious tissues are grinded,
  decontaminated and inoculated on media consisting
  of egg based media such as Lowenstein Jensen,
  Stonebrink's media, enriched with pyruvate (without
  glycerol), Herrold egg yolk (without glycerol), Ogawa
  and/or Middle-brook 7H10 or 7H11 media
- Incubation for at least 8 weeks at 37°C (colony
  usually develops after 3-5 weeks incubation)
- Identification of isolates by determining cultural and
  biochemical properties

- Annual test and cull reactor
- No treatment of tuberculosis

- Accidental injection of tuberculin is usually occurred,
  the operator should immediately cut and clean the
  injection site
- Field personnel should handle specimen under
  appropriate condition


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