--Appendix 2--
Notifiable (Report-requested) Diseases in Thailand

(Animal Epidemic Act. B.E. 2499 and amended B.E. 2545)

    Numbers in parentheses refer to the code in this manual
1. Rinderpest ----
2. Hemorrhagic septicemia (17)
3. Anthrax (9)
4. Surra (34)
5. Epizootic lymphanginitis ----
6. Glanders ----
7. Foot and mouth disease (5)
8. Swine fever (40)
9. Duck Plague (Duck Virus Enteritis) 64
10. African Horse Sickness ----
11. Equine Influenza (Virus type A) ----
12. Equine Piroplasmosis ----
13. Salmonellosis 22, 51, 81
14. Dourine ----
15. Trichinosis 61
16. Newcastle Disease 73
17. Brucellosis 11
18. Vesicular Stomatitis ----
19. Horse Pox ----
20. Rabies (7)
21. Equine Rhinopneumonitis ----
22. Contagious Equine Metritis ----
23. Horse Mange ----
24. Leptospirosis 46
25. Equine Infectious Anaemia 87
26. Tuberculosis 14
27. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy ----
28. Nipah Encephalitis ----
29. Equine Encephalomyelitis ----
30. Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis ----
31. Japanese Encephalitis 36
32. Infectious Arteritis of Horse ----
33. Avian Influenza ----


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@Copyright 2004