--Appendix 3a--
Diseases Listed in Health Requirements for the Importation of Animals into Thailand
(Source : Disease control Division)
  * Brief tabulated information is attached herewith (Appendix 3 b)
( ) Numbers in parentheses refer to the code in this manual
Diseases in Breeding Cattle and buffalo  
1* Rinderpest   4 Maedi-visna  
2* CBPP   5 Pulmonary adenomatosis  
3 East Coast fever   6 Peste des petitis ruminant  
4* Rift Valley fever   7 Sheep pox  
5* BSE   8 Goat pox  
6* Q fever   9 FMD (5)
7 FMD (5) 10 Caprine arthritis-encephalomyelitis  
8* Malignant catarrh fever   11 Bluetongue (1)
9 Johne's disease (13) 12 Epizootic haemorrhagic disease  
10 Bovine ephemeral fever (2) 13 Contagious agalactia  
11* Vesicular stomatitis   14 Vesicular stomatitis  
12 Bluetongue (1) 15 Contagious pustular dematitis (3)
13 Anaplasmosis (23) 16 Enzootic abortion  
14 Babessiosis (24) 17 Toxoplasmosis (60)
15 Theileriosis (31) 18 Tuberculosis (14)
16 Trypanosomosis (34) 19 Caprine and ovine brucellosis  
17 Enzootic bovine leukosis (4) 20 Leptospirosis (46)
18* BVD/MD   21 Listeriosis  
19 Tuberculosis (14) 22 Ovine chlamidiosis  
20 Brucellosis (11) 23 Campylobacter fetus infection (12)
21 Leptospirosis (46) 24 Melioidosis (21)
22 IBR (6) 25 Johne's disease (13)
23 Infectious pustular vulvovaginitis   26 Corynebacterium ovis infection  
24 Mycoplasmosis        
25 Campylobacter fetus infection (12) Diseases in breeding swine
26 Trichomonas fetus infection (33) 1* African swine fever  
      2* Teschen disease (Enterovirus encephalomyelitis)  
Diseases in breeding sheep and goat 3* Rinderpest  
1 Scrapie   4 FMD (5)
2 Rinderpest   5 Classical swine fever (40)
3 Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia   6 Aujeszky's disease (35)


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